10 Foods High in Vitamin B12 to Help Rid of That Weak and Tired Feeling

4. Crabs

Crabs supply various benefits to our body and they also contain exceptional levels of Vitamin B12. There are different types of crabs but the most prominent are Alaska King Crab and the Blue Crab where you can get 9.7 micrograms and 6.2 micrograms of Vitamin B12 from these crustaceans, respectively. This can increase energy levels as well.

5. Beef Liver

The number one benefit of eating beef liver is that it is a major source of Vitamin B12 and it can fight Vitamin B12 deficiency as well. Just eating beef liver 2 to 3 times a week can help boost Vitamin B12 in your body. 3.5 ounces of beef liver can give you 70 mg of vitamin B12, which is 1,178% of the recommended daily intake.