10 Foods High in Nickel That Can Trigger Your Nickel Allergy

6. Canned Foods

Canned foods are great for their convenience, ubiquity, portability, and taste. Almost any kind of food can be canned, be it meat, fruit, vegetables, or even beverages. They’re very useful when going on trips or if you simply don’t have time to prepare food. All these benefits come at a price though. Not only are canned foods usually high in sodium due to the salt used in preservation, foods canned in tin are highly likely to contain large amounts of nickel. This is due to the reaction of the food with the tin. The amount varies and can be affected by factors like the length of time the can has been in storage, the ingredients, and even the can itself. If you rely on canned foods a lot to save time, consider canning your own food using glass jars.

7. Fruits

Fruits are highly beneficial to the body, and each fruit has its own specialty when it comes to nutrients and benefits. Some fruits, however, are especially high in nickel than others. Fruits that are known to contain high amounts of nickel are banana, pears, and tomato. There’s a silver lining to this, however. Vitamin C can counteract the effects of nickel in the body, and fortunately there are fruits that are high in vitamin C, like lemons and oranges. Still, it’s better to simply avoid allergens in general.