10 Foods High in Lysine to Build Muscles, Collagen and a Lot More

6. Roasted Soybeans

Soybeans have several benefits including the prevention of cancer, proper circulation, improved digestive health, and heart protection. A cup of soybeans or 93 grams of these will give you 2450 mg of lysine or 117% RDI. Other soya foods are also good sources of lysine. An ounce of tempeh gives 12% RDI of lysine, boiled and fermented soybeans with 15%, soy chips with 22%, soy flour with 31%, and dried frozen tofu with 42%.

7. Lean Pork Chops

Every 180 grams of cooked lean pork chops contain 4,963 mg of lysine or 236% RDI. Other pork cuts also yield high amount of lysine. Every 3 ounces of spare ribs give 106% RDI of lysine, ham with 107%, pork sirloin with 109%, low fat ground pork with 110%, pork tenderloin with 111%, and bacon with 140%. Pork is also rich in zinc and B vitamin.