8. Meat

Beef and pork are commonly thought to be nothing but sources of protein and saturated fat, especially pork, and the truth is, they are. However, they’re not as high in fat as one may think. Lean cuts of beef can contain as little as 2 grams of saturated fat per 3 ounces, but can pack as much as 25 grams of protein, which is essential in weight loss. What’s more, it contains other goodies like iron, which helps in carrying oxygen from the blood to the brain, and zinc, which boosts your immune system. Pork has slightly more fat, but has almost the same protein as beef. Just remember to eat lean cuts and eat a balanced diet, and avoid cured meats, which are high in sodium.
9. Whole Milk
It is important to make the distinction here between whole milk and low- and fat-free varieties. While low-fat/fat-free milk is less likely to make you gain weight (one cup of whole milk has 8 grams of fat), research has suggested that the fat found in whole milk is actually important because it will help you absorb the vitamin A and vitamin D in the milk. What’s more, whole milk has been shown to help reduce the risk of diabetes.