10 Foods High in Lipids That Are Actually Good For You

6. Eggs

Like chocolate, eggs used to be considered unhealthy because of the high cholesterol content in the yolk – 212 milligrams to be exact, which comprises at least 70% of the RDA. However, recent studies show that the cholesterol in eggs doesn’t really increase blood cholesterol for most people. And ironically, despite being high in fat, eggs are central to any weight loss program, because they are rich in protein, which helps build muscle and helps keep you feeling full for longer. Additionally, they contain a lot of other important nutrients like choline, which helps maintain brain and nervous system functions, and antioxidants that protect the eyes. If you have been skipping eggs for breakfast or removing the yolk because it contains cholesterol, stop! Eat whole eggs everyday for better health.

7. Tuna

Tuna, a favorite fish whether canned, grilled, or raw, is loaded with fatty acids and other healthy fats. These fatty acids, in turn, helps keep your heart healthy, aid in weight loss, improve circulation, and help prevent certain cancers, among other things. It is also high in protein; one single can of tuna can give you up to 80% of your daily requirement. Just make sure to not eat too much, because like most seafoods, it contains trace amounts of mercury, which the body can process only a little of at a time.