30 Foods High in Iron To Never Worry About Deficiency Again


Asparagus is delicious and nutritious. It provides a range of health benefits that make you want to include them in most of your favorite dishes. Asparagus is packed with vitamins and minerals, plus a lot more. 

If you are deficient in iron, eating asparagus regularly can help. Consider this: one cup of asparagus will provide you with 2.87 mg of non-heme iron. This amount is more than one-third of the nutrient’s daily allowance. 

You will be surprised at some of the health benefits of asparagus. The vegetable is rich in vitamin K; thus, it supports the necessary clotting of the blood, helping to heal wounds and scrapes quickly. One cup of asparagus contains 55.7 mg of vitamin K. 

Asparagus is likewise rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid or folate). Pregnant women are usually prescribed supplements to increase their folic acid intake, as this vitamin helps prevent congenital disabilities. You can have 70 mg of folate from one cup of asparagus, which can help prevent anemia and provide protection against heart disease. Asparagus is also helpful in improving your digesting and boosting your immune system.