30 Foods High in Iron To Never Worry About Deficiency Again


Apples are widely consumed worldwide and there are about 7,000 different cultivars available. However, most people only know a few of them, such as Gala, Fuji, or Red Delicious. Then, there are the green apples, which have about 17 to 30 varieties, many of which people use for cooking or baking. 

Apples are rich in antioxidants, vitamins B1, B6, C, E, and K. However, apples do not have high iron content, although it varies depending on the variety. A serving (100 g) only contains about 0.19 mg to 0.07 mg. Even apple juice is low in iron content. 

But apples are included in the list because they play a significant part in iron absorption. The body does not produce iron naturally. You can only get it from the food you eat. Iron is essential in distributing oxygen from the lungs to different body parts. However, iron needs vitamin C so the body can adequately absorb iron, and apples are rich in vitamin C.