10 Nutritious Foods High in Carotenoids

6. Spinach

The carotenoids found in spinach are β-carotene, lutein, 9′-(Z)-neoxanthin and violaxanthin. Regular intake of spinach can reduce the possibility of incurring inflammatory problems, cardiovascular issues, bone problems, and certain cancers. One half cup portion of frozen spinach contains approximately 200% of adults’ RDI for vitamin A, while one cup of cooked spinach (180g) contains a whopping 377% of Vitamin A, which is known to be vital for maintaining healthy eye vision, bone growth, and boost the immune system.

7. Sweet Red Peppers

Like some fruits and vegetables, bell peppers also come in different hues. The presence of carotenoids gives bell peppers their bright yellow, orange, and red colors. Among the variety of peppers, the red one has the largest concentration of b-carotene and zeaxanthin, while the yellow peppers had the least nutrient. The riper the bell pepper is, the richer its carotenoid content will be.