10 Nutritious Foods High in Carotenoids

2. Pumpkin

The most common type of carotenoid found in pumpkin is beta-carotene, making it a rich source of Vitamin A for humans. It also consists a small amount of alpha-carotene, cis-beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein. A half-cup portion of pumpkin already provides 100% of the RDI of beta-carotene and twice the recommended daily consumption of alpha-carotene.

3. Sweet Potatoes

Among the types of sweet potatoes, the orange one has the highest carotenoid content compared to the purple, yellow and white ones. This superfood has a wonderful effect of increasing vitamin A in our body.  Studies have proven that every 3.5 oz of sweet potato have between 100-1,600 micrograms (Retinol Activity Equivalents, RAE) of vitamin A, making it a great option in preventing Vitamin A deficiency.