12 Signs And Symptoms Of Folic Acid Deficiency To Know

Shortness of Breath

In medical terms, shortness of breath is known as dyspnea and is considered a sign of an underlying medical condition. Doctors say that if a healthy person suddenly experiences shortness of breath, they must immediately consult their physician to determine what caused it. 

Doctors characterize shortness of breath as the intense feeling of chest tightening, difficulty breathing, air hunger, a feeling of being suffocated, and breathlessness. While physical exertion can trigger shortness of breath, it can gradually progress until a person experiences it, even when idle. 

Shortness of breath can also happen if the person suffers from megaloblastic anemia or any other type of anemia. The body can only store a small amount of folate as the substance is water-soluble. However, folate is necessary to produce healthy red blood cells (RBCs). With the shortage of RBCs in the blood, the organs cannot receive enough oxygen and nutrient supply. Low oxygen levels in the blood can cause air hunger and shortness of breath. Furthermore, it can also result in a bluish tinge on the skin, particularly on the fingertips and lips. 

Doctors may recommend B-complex supplementation to assuage shortness of breath. Aside from that, they could also recommend bronchodilators or breathing exercises.