12 Signs And Symptoms Of Folic Acid Deficiency To Know


Heart palpitations are generally harmless. Although the person might feel anxious about the fast-beating, pounding, or fluttering heart, according to studies, palpitations rarely indicate a serious condition. Although palpitations can be symptomatic of arrhythmia, doctors typically don’t fret about them because stress, medication, and exercise can trigger them.

However, doctors also warn that the lack of folate can significantly increase the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases. Folic acid deficiency isn’t good for the heart as B-complex vitamins are necessary for heart health. Doctors recommend that most adults must get at least 400 micrograms per day, with pregnant women suggesting increasing their intake to at least 1000 mcg daily. 

Folate is essential to heart health because it breaks down homocysteine. Homocysteine is a harmful amino acid that breaks down the inner wall of the arteries. Decreasing the amount of homocysteine in the body lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Enough folate in the body is also related to a lower risk of strokes and heart attacks. Research also determined the relationship between lower blood pressure statistics with enough folate levels. 

Doctors believe that folate supplementation is essential in achieving better heart health, even for people who have suffered episodes of strokes and other cardiovascular diseases.