12 Signs And Symptoms Of Folic Acid Deficiency To Know

Disturbed Vision

Disturbed vision or visual disturbance affects about 50% of the population. It is characterized as anything that impacts the person’s ability to see comfortably and clearly. Blurring or dim vision is among the most common vision disturbances directly linked to folic acid deficiency. Dimness of vision happens when a person experiences some parts of the visual field becoming grayish or muted in color. 

Folate is an essential substance that keeps the body healthy and capable of producing enough red blood cells. Red blood cells are necessary for transporting oxygen and other nutrients to the different organs. When organs don’t receive enough oxygen supply, problems can arise in organ functionality and development. Such is the case with the eyes, as the eyes have folate transport proteins which are essential for eye development. 

When a person doesn’t have enough folate in the body, there’s a problem with the folate transport proteins (FTPs). The deficiency in FTPs can cause many vision problems, such as dimness of vision, color blindness, nearsightedness, and the like. Decreased folate levels can also lead to an increase in homocysteine which can cause blood clots. Doctors recommend supplementing vitamin B-complex vitamins to reduce homocysteine levels and improve FTPs.