12 Symptoms & Sign Of Fibromyalgia In Females (Don’t Ignore)

Sleep Problem

Sleeping problems often accompany fibromyalgia. Most fibromyalgia patients find it difficult to fall asleep. And although they might be able to sleep, their nap is light and quickly interrupted. As a result, they feel exhausted and not energized when they wake up.

For some people with the condition, sleep problems worsen their symptoms and send them into a negative spiral of discomfort and restless nights. According to studies conducted in sleep labs, persons with fibromyalgia frequently experience brief bursts of awake-like brain activity.

These disruptions reduce the time someone spends in deep sleep, wherein the body recovers, leading to feeling exhausted. Fibromyalgia-related sleep difficulties can be resolved by establishing healthy sleep habits and proper sleep hygiene.

People with fibromyalgia are also thought to be more sensitive to pain because they have a lower pressure-pain threshold than those without the disorder. This is referred to as “abnormal pain perception processing.”

Losing sleep can make a person more sensitive to discomfort. Therefore, sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality could result in fibromyalgia symptoms in otherwise healthy persons.