Fibromyalgia refers to the disorder primarily characterized by the widespread pain in the musculoskeletal system accompanied by mood, memory, sleep, and fatigue problems. In addition, many researchers believe that the condition may amplify sensations of discomfort by impacting how the spinal cord and brain process non-painful and painful signals. Symptoms start after events like considerable psychological stress, infection, surgery, or physical trauma. Symptoms in other cases may accumulate gradually over a period without any single triggering events.
Studies have shown that the condition is more likely to manifest in women. Those with fibromyalgia also have TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorders, depression, anxiety, and irritable bowel disorders. While there’s currently no cure, various medications can manage the symptoms. In addition, stress-reduction practices, relaxation techniques, physical activity, and other lifestyle changes can help ease the condition. Typically, the symptoms could return under stress, and it’s common to experience such severe fatigue and pain that it can interfere with work.
The definitive cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown. However, some researchers believe that it may be because of problems with the way the nervous system tries to process pain, and possible triggers for the condition are the following:
Abnormal Pain Message
As previously mentioned, a popular theory amongst researchers on what causes fibromyalgia is how central nervous systems process messages of pain that are carried throughout the body. All the parts of the system, such as nerves, spinal cord, and brain, transmit information over the entire body via specialized networks of cells. And any changes or disruptions in how the system functions could potentially explain why the condition results in feelings of constant sensitivity to pain. Therefore, diseases like those of the nervous system could be behind fibromyalgia.
Some studies revealed that people with debilitating Parkinson’s disease might also have fibromyalgia. Researchers have referred to this phenomenon as the FLISPAD syndrome, an acronym for fibromyalgia-like syndrome associated with Parkinson’s disease. It’s also worth noting that both conditions have various overlapping symptoms beyond pain, such as fatigue, depression, sleep problems, rectal and pelvic discomfort, and muscle stiffness. So while it isn’t a conclusive or definitive cause, there is a strong possibility that it could result in fibromyalgia.