What’s New? 13 Treatments for External Hemorrhoid

External hemorrhoids are vein abnormalities that typically form beneath the skin surrounding the anal region. Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood from the body tissues back to the heart. The walls of veins have layers of muscle and elastic tissue. These layers keep the veins from bulging and collapsing. Sometimes, these layers weaken and stretch. This can cause the veins to bulge and collapse, resulting in external hemorrhoids. 

External hemorrhoids are usually caused by constipation, pregnancy, or straining during a bowel movement. They can also be caused by sitting for long periods. External hemorrhoid symptoms include bleeding during a bowel movement, itching, and pain around the anus. The pain can be severe if a blood clot forms in external hemorrhoids. The most common risk factors associated with external hemorrhoids include obesity, family history, and age. 

There are a few ways that doctors can diagnose external hemorrhoids. First, a thorough assessment of a patient’s medical history and symptoms will be conducted. They will also perform a physical exam, during which they will look for swelling around the anus. In some cases, doctors may also order a rectal exam, during which they insert a gloved finger into the rectum to identify the presence of swelling.

High Fiber Foods

While many over-the-counter treatments are available, some people prefer to treat their hemorrhoids with diet and nutrition. Certain foods can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, including spicy foods, processed meats, and dairy products. 

On the other hand, some foods can help to treat hemorrhoids. For example, fiber-rich foods can help to soften stool and reduce constipation, which can put less strain on the veins in the anus and rectum. Other helpful foods include cherries, apples, tomatoes, and Rutin and Diosmin supplements. 

One can do several things to help prevent external hemorrhoids from developing in the first place. Eating a high-fiber diet is one way to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids by softening stools and increasing water retention in the colon. In addition, increased fiber intake effectively reduces the pH levels in the colon, reducing the time it takes for waste to pass through the large intestine.

Fiber is found in various whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. In addition to boosting fiber intake, reducing fat intake and staying hydrated can help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms.