The 12 Health Symptoms Of Early Lupus You Should Be Aware Of

Stiffness in the Joints

Joint stiffness in the morning is one of the things lupus patients experience. But most people found they could relieve the problem by taking warm showers. Other patients should tell their doctors if the habit does not help, so they can check for issues related to joint swelling and give them some medications, such as NSAIDs and OTC pain relievers.

Lupus is a disease that needs constant and continuous monitoring by a team of doctors to ensure that the patient can have the proper medication or therapy, depending on what symptoms appear. For example, joint swelling may be related to arthritis instead of lupus. But patients who suddenly experience continuous or on-and-off fever for a few days should record their temperature twice daily. 

The record could help doctors identify specific processes in the body that need medical intervention, including fever. In addition, the patient must be aware that taking steroid and immunosuppressive medications can mask the signs of infection. Lupus patients should let their doctors know if they feel anything unusual so that their doctors can help them manage their condition better.