Lupus is an autoimmune disease. It is a condition where the body’s immune system attacks the individual’s organs and tissues. As a result, lupus causes inflammation in many body parts, affecting the lungs, heart, brain, blood cells, kidneys, skin, and joints.
Healthcare providers usually have difficulty diagnosing lupus because the disease’s symptoms and signs often resemble other conditions. However, there is one distinct sign that a person has lupus. A person displays a facial rash that looks like a butterfly’s wings unfolded over both cheeks and the nose bridge. But the sign could also occur due to other causes.
Some people are prone to developing lupus since birth, and infections, sunlight, and some drugs can trigger it. A cure for lupus is not yet available, but some treatments help curb its symptoms.
Over 1.5 million Americans have lupus, according to data from the Lupus Foundation of America. About 70 percent of them have systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the most common type of the disease. People who show signs of SLE should see a doctor and receive proper education, preventive care, and medical care to improve body functions and quality of life by learning to cope with the disease.
Butterfly Rash
The most recognized sign of lupus is the butterfly rash (malar rash, lupus rash), although not everyone with lupus gets the rash. Some lupus patients do not show any symptoms, while others show a variety of skin problems. The Lupus Foundation of America says that ninety percent of people with lupus are women, although it can also affect men.
The butterfly rash appears across the cheeks and nose of people diagnosed with lupus. It typically looks like sunburn, and the color range from light to deep red. In some people, the rash appears scaly and raised, but for most patients, the rash seems flat.
According to experts, the butterfly rash is only one of the various skin conditions related to lupus. The rash falls under the acute cutaneous lupus category. It is often seen on the face but can also appear on other parts of the patient’s body, such as their legs or arms.
Malar rash can occur spontaneously or after exposure to the sun, but it can also appear on its own. But it does not have to be present for a doctor to diagnose the disease. However, more than half of the patients with the condition have a distinct facial rash.