12 Common Causes of Earache You Shouldn’t Ignore

Swimmer’s Ear

An outer ear canal infection can cause earache, accompanied by redness and swelling. Water remaining in the ear canal causes the swimmer’s ear or otitis media. The condition often occurs in people who love to swim or stay in the water for a long time; hence, the name.

The ear canal can hold water and the liquid creates a moist environment that invites bacterial growth. But water is not the only thing that causes a swimmer’s ear. For example, putting the fingers and other objects inside the ear canal can damage the thin and delicate skin of the outer ear.

People often use cotton swabs to clean their ears, especially after swimming. The skin lining the outer is sensitive, and while cotton swabs feel soft and smooth, they can cause micro-abrasions in the outer ear, providing a way for bacteria to penetrate. Likewise, cotton swabs can push cerumen (earwax) and debris deeper into the ear canal. The collected substances trap water, softening skin and making it easier for bacteria and fungus to infect the ear.  

Injury and skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can make the outer ear susceptible to infection, resulting in pain in the outer ear.