12 Causes & Triggers of Ear Infection You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)


In addition to causes of ear infections are allergies. A greater risk of ear infections exists in people with seasonal or year-round allergies. The eustachian tube, which links the throat to the middle ear, can become inflamed by environmental allergens. Pressure in the outer and inner ear is balanced via the eustachian tube.

The eustachian tube may expand due to an allergy, which may block the flow of middle ear fluid out of the area. It increases the likelihood that germs and viruses will proliferate in the fluid if it gathers behind the eardrum. A middle ear infection may result from these bacteria and viruses.

If a person has ear discomfort because of an allergy, addressing the allergy can help reduce pain. Identifying the allergens causing ear pain is the first step in treating allergies-related ear discomfort. Finding one’s triggers might be assisted by an allergist or immunologist.

People might attempt to take precautions to avoid allergies once they know which ones are causing them. For instance, maintaining clean and well-ventilated living areas might help limit exposure to dust mite allergens if someone has such an allergy.