The 15 Causes of Dry Scalp (You Should Definitely Be Aware Of)

Allergic Reactions

An allergic reaction is when the body attacks itself due to foreign substances. In most cases, people are often allergic to substances that are not harmful to the body. For example, specific types of food can cause an allergic reaction, although many people can enjoy these foods without issues. The body perceives a threat where there is none and overreacts. While many allergic reactions are mild and usually cause skin conditions such as a dry scalp, there are others that could potentially be a medical emergency, such as peanut allergy. A dry scalp is just one of the potential side effects of an allergic reaction, and it can be frustrating to manage.

You might have to get creative to avoid a reaction depending on your allergies. For example, if you’re allergic to pollen, wearing a face mask outside during the pollen season is a must. Also, ensure that you wash up when you step inside the house, as it helps rid your body of pollen and other potential allergens that cling to your clothes, skin, and hair. If you’re allergic to specific foods, avoiding the allergen in question will help you avoid conditions such as a dry scalp.