What Could Cause Double Chin? 11 Possible Triggers (List)

Poor Posture

The muscles in the chin and neck can be seriously weakened by posture. Insufficient muscle use might cause the skin around it to become less elastic over time. Consequently, a double chin could appear. For instance, a person’s chin may enlarge if they frequently hold their heads lowered while using a laptop. The neckline may sag, giving the appearance of a double chin.

When working at a desk all day, the exercise of whistling at the ceiling is a great way to build up muscles and relax the neck. Keep shoulders open and the back straight when sitting down. Look up at the ceiling by tilting the head back. Put lips together in the whistling posture by starting from this position.

The lips must be relaxed yet gripped firmly enough to cause a neck contraction on both sides. Depending on the person’s comfort level, maintain this posture for 10 to 20 seconds. This exercise is often completed in ten repetitions in a single session.