15 Effective Diarrhea Remedies (Natural & At Home)


Probiotics are live microorganisms similar to the good bacteria that naturally live in the digestive system. They are often taken as supplements, yogurt, or other fermented foods. Probiotics can help ease diarrhea symptoms by restoring balance to the digestive system. They work by displacing harmful bacteria and promoting the growth of good bacteria.

Consuming food items or beverages with prebiotics may also help to reduce inflammation and boost immunity. In addition, they can help speed up food movement through the gut and increase stool bulk. Probiotics are generally safe and well-tolerated, but they may cause side effects, such as gas or bloating. People with weakened immune systems or taking certain medications should talk to their doctor before taking probiotics.

Probiotics are found in various fermented foods and drinks, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir. They can also be taken as supplements in pill or powder form. When choosing a probiotic supplement, look for one with live and active cultures. Start with a small dose and increase gradually as tolerated.