12 Health Benefits Of Coffee Enema (Backed By Science)

Improves Antioxidant Activity 

Once the person cleanses the colon using coffee enemas, one indirect result is increased liver activity. Coffee enemas increase bile production, which is essential in toxin removal. They also increase the production and release of glutathione into the bloodstream. As the “master” antioxidant, glutathione is essential for stimulating the proper functioning of the immune system. It helps build and repair damaged tissues and is vital in protecting the body against the adverse effects of free radicals. Glutathione significantly affects the body’s immune response. 

The use of coffee enema stimulates glutathione production, and other antioxidants such as kahweol and cafestol help the body create glutathione S-transferase (GST). The GST is essential in synthesizing prostaglandins and intracellular transport of various hydrophobic compounds. 

Research also states that increased glutathione levels can alleviate the symptoms of cystic fibrosis and is also essential in fighting certain types of cancers. Although medical practitioners warn against unsupervised coffee enema use, the purported benefits generally outweigh the cons. There have been reports documented in journals regarding deaths due to infection and electrolyte imbalance. Doctors say that although there are positive effects, coffee enemas must be considered an alternative treatment option.