12 Health Benefits Of Coffee Enema (Backed By Science)

Detoxifies Liver 

The liver is the organ tasked to remove toxins from the body. It functions to regulate the chemical levels in the blood and produces bile which then carries the waste products to the intestines. The liver processes the blood from the stomach and intestines and balances it. It also metabolizes drug components into forms that are easier to use and non-toxic. The liver is also tasked to create cholesterol which makes it easier to transport fats through the body. With several functions, the liver also needs detoxification to ensure that it’ll continue to function properly.

Coffee enemas and fasting relieve the liver and large intestines of impacted contents. The enema stimulates the liver enzymes, which are essential for detoxification. The liver, relieved of the toxic load, can effectively remove the toxins from the body. The palmitates in the coffee enema help the liver carry the toxins through the bile. 

The coffee enema results in clearer skin and eyes and a general feeling of increased vitality. People can also expect reduced eyebags, decreased bloating, and a general increase in energy levels. This is because the toxins in the liver travel to the large intestine, and the coffee enema quickly stimulates the removal of the impacted contents.