10 Proven Health Benefits Of Cod Liver Oil

Fights off Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health issues nowadays. They can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, and social status. A study in the Journal of Psychiatric Research concluded that high levels of phobic anxiety are associated with increased levels of leptin and inflammation in the body. The researchers investigated the link between inflammation and post-traumatic stress disorder. Several studies were also conducted to solidify the relationship between inflammatory dysregulation and chronic and severe anxiety diagnoses and their behavior toward anxiety.

Since the effectiveness of cod liver oil in reducing inflammation is evident, many studies show that it has the same potency in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Moreover, the link between vitamin D found in cod liver oil and the reduction in anxiety symptoms holds so much potential. Animal research shows that vitamin D binds to the receptors located in the brain and stimulates mood-releasing hormones. 

Due to its high omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D content, cod liver oil became popular in treating symptoms of anxiety and depression. Taking it as a supplement or slowly incorporating it into meals can help anxious and depressed patients.