11 Symptoms & Sign Of Cirrhosis (Don’t Ignore)

Spider Angioma

The appearance of spider angioma above the waist is also one of the early presentations of cirrhosis. Spider angioma or spider nevus are red and purple markings on the skin that resemble a spider’s body and legs, thus the name. Spider angioma is generally harmless and goes away on its own over time. The exact cause of the appearance of spider angioma is unknown. Sometimes, spider angiomas are caused by too much sun exposure, hormonal changes, and injuries.

Existing data shows that people suffering from a liver-related diseases like cirrhosis are more likely to develop spider nevi. Cirrhosis, just like pregnancy, triggers the release of hormones that has dilating effects on arterioles. People with alcohol-related cirrhosis have high estrogen levels that can cause the appearance of multiple spider angiomas.

Recent studies show that 87% of patients diagnosed with cirrhosis and other liver-related diseases have spider angioma. After undergoing liver disease testing or liver panel, their results showed heightened levels of proteins and enzymes. Once the patient’s liver condition becomes normal, the spider nevi gradually disappear.