What Are The Causes Of Chin Acne? 12 Common Triggers

Depression or Anxiety/ima

Acne can contribute to a person’s anxiety and cause mid-to-moderate signs of depression. However, depression and anxiety can also increase the appearance of acne breakouts. Acne can get worse for people who go through stressful times, such as taking exams in school. Additionally, stress has been known to boost skin oil production, which can exacerbate acne.

Depressed individuals may also be more inclined to abandon their treatment regimen. It could make acne worse and make the symptoms of depression get worse. It develops a vicious cycle that is difficult to get over with.

Additionally, individuals with depression and anxiety might squeeze or scratch their acne from time to time. When they do so, it will keep the acne from healing and might also result in lasting scars.

If chin acne is suspected to be caused by anxiety or depression, the best way to treat them is to address the underlying mental and skin issues. Since acne is causing anxiety or depression in this case, treating it is very crucial. Numerous studies have demonstrated that treating acne might lessen depressive symptoms.