Early Signs Of CHF (Congestive Heart Failure): 12 Symptoms

Swelling of the Abdomen

Some heart failure sufferers have abdominal swellings. When this happens, the stomach appears packed, and the body could feel full or bloated. These are the warnings that the body will go through, which is not a good sign for the heart.

Moreover, it’s common to hear alternative abdominal enlargement terms, including abdominal distension and ascites. The medical term for fluid accumulation within the tissues of the abdominal regions is ascites.

Heart failure on the left side is the most typical form. This kind of cardiac failure is typically mentioned while discussing it. However, right-sided heart failure may be identified as the condition progresses to severe. Therefore, right heart failure can result from left-sided heart failure.

Congestion of bodily fluids can cause swelling or pain in the upper abdomen (stomach region), which is a sign of increasing heart failure. Congestion in the liver and intestines and fluid retention are the causes of the discomfort. Some individuals with abdominal swelling feel their clothing is getting tighter around the stomach region. Doctors advise consuming less salt and drinking fewer fluids than usual to prevent this.