12 Signs And Symptoms Of Appendicitis To Know

Stomach Cramps

A blockage in the intestine is sometimes linked to appendicitis. For example, if a person cannot pass gas or is constipated, it could mean a partial or total bowel obstruction. Appendicitis may also cause severe stomach cramping and diarrhea. Therefore, it is essential to note the abdominal area and the severity of the pain so that the healthcare provider can make an accurate diagnosis. 

Abdominal pain typically occurs between the chest and pelvic areas. It is characterized by a sharp, intermittent, dull, achy, or crampy feeling, which most people call stomachache. However, localized pain could indicate the presence of stomach ulcers.

But when the pain is cramp-like, it is associated with flatulence, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. The cramp may come and go, and at times, it goes away even if the individual did not seek treatment. The stomach cramp can be due to parasitic, bacterial, or viral infections affecting the stomach and intestines. 

Cramping may be due to constipation, bloating, or gas. However, if the stomach pain comes and goes but sometimes becomes a sharp, sudden pain in the abdominal region, it could be due to gallstones and kidney stones.