12 Signs And Symptoms Of Appendicitis To Know


Appendicitis upsets the digestive system because the condition occurs due to the blockage of the intestines. Likewise, an infection in the appendix can cause inflammation. Due to these factors, the person may feel sick to their stomach or fail to keep any food or drink down before or after they feel the abdominal pain. 

When people feel nauseous, they experience a feeling of wanting to vomit. However, vomiting may or may not happen because of nausea. Other people liken the sensation of nausea to queasiness or unsettled feelings in the stomach. A person could have bacterial or viral infections, and some may be nauseous because of motion sickness. Food poisoning can make people nauseous, too. Certain medications might cause nausea. 

In some cases, nausea is due to brain abscesses. According to a book on nausea released in 2011, nausea has about 30 definitions. On its own, nausea is not a symptom of anything specific. Different reasons cause nausea, but the most common is gastroenteritis and gastrointestinal disorders, including appendicitis.

There are several causes of nausea, and there are instances when vomiting does not occur. But fever, malaise, or diarrhea could accompany it.