12 Signs And Symptoms Of Appendicitis To Know

The appendix is a small pouch projecting from the end of the large colon, located at the abdomen’s lower right side. Appendicitis occurs when the appendage becomes inflamed or the appendix bursts. 

Various signs and symptoms of appendicitis occur, but since most of these symptoms indicate other ailments, a person needs to visit a healthcare provider to get an accurate diagnosis. Before the pain of appendicitis reaches the organ’s location at the lower right side of the abdomen, the pain usually begins around the belly button. As its inflammation worsens, the pain increases until it becomes more serious. The only way to prevent appendicitis is the surgical removal of the appendix. A ruptured appendix releases toxic materials and bacteria into the abdomen, potentially resulting in serious infection.  

The appendix is a small, worm-like extension at the end of the large intestine. Its average length is about eight to ten centimeters. Initially, scientists believed it was a useless part of the digestive system. But more recent studies showed it has lymphoid cells that aid in fighting infections. In addition, researchers believe that it contributes to the body’s immune system. 

Learn more about the symptoms of appendicitis and what you should do if they occur right here.

Migrating Pain

The warning signs that the appendix could rupture might begin several days before it happens. While the symptoms are happening, the individual could experience pain in the mid-abdomen, similar to a stomach upset. If the pain is due to the appendix, it will move to the abdomen’s lower right or right side. 

The pain starts as a dull pain around or near the belly button. From being a mild pain, it becomes sharper as the pain migrates to the right or lower right side of a person’s abdomen. Starting with the pain, the person could exhibit other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite. Some people could also have a fever, difficulty with passing gas, constipation, bloating, and abdominal swelling. 

As the swelling in the appendix rises, the pain will concentrate on the spot above the appendix (McBurney’s point). The pain in this location may start 12 to 24 hours after the person begins experiencing the first symptoms of appendicitis. Other symptoms include pain in the rectum, back, or abdomen. The pain could be sharp or dull.