15 Causes & Common Triggers Of Ankle Pain (You Should Know)

Ankle Fractures

One of the most specific causes of ankle pain is when the ankle experiences an injury traumatic enough to break a bone. Typically, similar injuries can cause a sprain, but if it goes too far, it could break the bones around the ankle. The symptoms of a sprain are also similar to a fracture, which is why it’s a good idea to get an x-ray if you experience a sprain and your ankle begins to swell. While a sprain can also cause swelling, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Ankle fractures can be severe if left untreated and could result in deformity if the bones do not heal correctly. As far as the treatment goes, the RICE method continues to be the go-to treatment for foot and ankle fractures. Plenty of rest, ice on the affected area for 10-20 minutes at a time, compression, and elevation during times of rest.

If the ankle fracture is particularly severe, you’ll have to deal with physical therapy after healing to ensure that you get full function back. The most challenging part of ankle fractures is usually the pain, but you can manage such a symptom with medication.