15 Common Causes of Angular Cheilitis You Shouldn’t Ignore

Poor Dental Hygiene

One of the most common causes of angular cheilitis involves lifestyle choices such as poor dental hygiene. Not taking the time to care for your oral health can lead to many problems, angular cheilitis included. Most people take good care of oral hygiene as tooth pain is often very distressing. Even people who are afraid of going to the dentist still make the trip as the alternative is to suffer from tooth pain. Poor dental hygiene will lead to more buildup of bacteria in the mouth, which can cause all manner of issues if you aren’t careful. All it will take is a small wound inside your mouth to suffer from infection if you have poor dental hygiene. It’s also an embarrassing issue to have due to the presence of bad breath.

There are three primary things to consider if you want to get rid of poor dental hygiene: brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash. If you already have dental issues due to your hygiene, head to the dentist to see what can be done. Taking care of your oral hygiene ensures you lower the odds of getting angular cheilitis.