The 15 Causes of Anal Bleeding You Should Be Aware Of


One of the most common symptoms of diverticulitis is painless bleeding from the anus, even when you aren’t experiencing a bowel movement. Diverticula are pockets that can form around the colon’s walls, typically caused by pressure on the weakest areas of the intestinal tract. Eventually, the pressure grows to be too much, and it causes pockets to form that could subsequently be inflamed and start bleeding. Diverticulitis is widespread, and most people have diverticula pockets without knowing it, especially depending on a few lifestyle habits. While painless bleeding from the anus can be scary, diverticulitis is rarely an issue for most people. It’s so common that many people don’t realize they have it.

The good news is that these pockets usually go away on their own and don’t cause any symptoms (or require treatment) until they get inflamed. Once inflammation occurs, it’s still not a serious matter as the symptoms usually aren’t severe. It’s only when the inflammation gets worse due to poor lifestyle choices that treatment is needed. In rare cases, diverticulitis can cause people to lose a significant amount of blood through anal bleeding.