The 15 Causes of Anal Bleeding You Should Be Aware Of

Anal Fissures

Another widespread cause of bloody stool is when the tissue lining the rectum, anus, or colon experiences a tear. Such a tear is called an anal fissure, and while it might sound serious, anal fissures are rarely severe enough to merit a visit to the doctor. Sometimes, the body doesn’t get enough nutrients to help pass the stool correctly, resulting in a tough, very large stool that could cause damage to your rectum during the bowel movement. The result of an anal fissure is usually very bright blood, primarily if the fissure occurs around the rectum area. Typically, these fissures will go away on their own, and you must make a few lifestyle changes to help ensure your next bowel movement passes through correctly.

If you’re having trouble with bowel movements and the stool is always too hard, stool softeners can help you manage your symptoms. There are also prescription creams to help the anal fissure heal faster. Surgery is usually the optimal route in rare cases where the anal fissure is too large. However, there’s little reason to worry as it’s extremely rare.