15 Proven Health Benefits Of Almond You Should Know

Tackles Cravings Throughout the Day

The gateway to an unhealthy diet often involves the cravings people experience throughout the day — where you mind your own business and suddenly crave something sweet or salty. People usually purchase junk food and sweets for this very reason, as they’ll have something to munch on to help not only curb the cravings, but also satisfy the brain when it’s feeling bored. Strangely enough, boredom can contribute quite a lot to an unhealthy diet, which is why it’s crucial to find foods that can help curb cravings throughout the day.

Almonds can help tackle cravings for those who might be inclined to munch on something salty or sweet because they’re bored. One way to help satisfy the cravings is to eat a handful of almonds whenever you feel the cravings. Due to almonds’ capacity to keep the body feeling full for longer, you would only need to wait ten to fifteen minutes after eating for the cravings to go away.

There are even recipes for candied almonds that are much healthier than your typical confection while retaining the decadent taste.