12 Natural (At Home) Remedies For Acid Reflux

Elevate the Head of the Bed 

Another way to reduce the possibility of GERD manifesting at night is to use gravity to keep the stomach acids inside the stomach. The position of the body dramatically influences the disposition of stomach acids. Laying prone or to the right makes it easier for stomach acids to creep back up via the malfunctioning esophageal sphincter. This can cause the burning sensation in the middle of the chest and the strong acidic or sour taste that accompanies the irritation of the esophageal lining. 

Directly laying down after eating can result in the stomach contents, including the stomach acids that are supposed to digest the food, moving back up the esophagus. One of the ways to control such an occurrence is to elevate the head of the bed at least six inches because this will help position the body better. When the upper part of the body is elevated and the stomach isn’t level with the esophagus, there’s decreased chance for the acids to go back up the esophagus. 

Doctors recommend using wedge pillows to adjust the position of the head of the bed if people don’t have adjustable beds. However, regular pillows can result in strained neck muscles and tendons, so doctors warn about using them.