12 Symptoms Of Arsenic Poisoning You Should Know


Vomiting or throwing up is an involuntary emptying of the contents of the stomach, which people expel through their mouths. The triggers that cause vomiting can emanate from the intestines and stomach due to irritation from food, injury, or infection. Moreover, some people can vomit because they suffer from intense pain internally, fear or emotional stress, certain odors or smells, viruses, indigestion, and food and water poisoning. 

Many people are exposed to inorganic arsenic through various foods, but mainly from drinking water. In the U.S. alone, there are sources of water that have higher levels of naturally occurring inorganic arsenic. Exposure to inorganic arsenic may be due to contact with wood treated with arsenic as a preservative or from contaminated soil. On the other hand, people can get organic arsenic from seafood. According to experts, the arsenic most seafood contains is harmless. But some types of seaweed have inorganic arsenic. Moreover, shellfish from other areas may have inorganic arsenic. 

There are two types of arsenic. The organic arsenic compound has a complicated structure, but this type of arsenic is considered harmless. On the other hand, inorganic arsenic contains arsenic trioxides, which are simple molecules with high toxicity levels.