13 Causes & Triggers of Swollen Testicles You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Testicular Cancer

The growth of cells that begins in the testicles is what experts call testicular cancer. The scrotum is the location of the male reproductive organs known as testicles or testes. It is also a sack of loose skin that sits directly below the penis. The testicles are accountable for producing sperm as well as the hormone testosterone.

The presence of a bump that is located on a testicle is frequently the first indicator of testicular cancer. The cancer cells can multiply rapidly too. As a result, they frequently spread to areas of the body other than the testicle where they originated.

Even when it has spread to other body regions, testicular cancer is extremely amenable to treatment. The treatment options are contingent on the subtype of testicular cancer patients have and the extent to which it has spread. The most common treatments are surgical procedures and chemotherapy. Men are advised to learn about the disease’s early warning symptoms, how to do a testicular self-exam, and talk to a health care practitioner if there is a suspicious lump and swelling in the area.