What Are The Causes Of Shaky Hands? 14 Common Triggers

Overactive Thyroid

When the thyroid gland works properly, we don’t even notice its crucial role in optimal health. But when it’s not, people may experience some very noticeable symptoms. One such symptom is shaky hands. An overactive thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. While an overactive thyroid is not usually dangerous, it can be uncomfortable and disruptive to your life.

Hyperthyroidism can cause several physical changes in the body, including an acceleration of the heart rate and an increase in blood pressure. As a result, individuals with hyperthyroidism may find that their hands start to shake. This is because the excess thyroxine in their system causes their body to be in a state of hyperthyroidism. In other words, the body is revved up and running at full speed, leading to shaking and trembling hands.

Blood tests can confirm if someone has an overactive thyroid. Treatment options typically include oral medication or radioactive iodine therapy. With treatment, most people with shaky hands because of an overactive thyroid can live normal, healthy lives.