15 Secrets Your Health Insurance Company Is Not Telling You

Written Correspondence Is King

It may sound a little inconvenient in today’s digital age, but written correspondence remains the most effective way to commune with insurance providers. It’s never a good idea to use the phone. After all, beyond being time-consuming, there won’t be any record of the chat, and therefore, it didn’t happen. However, through letters, there will be a response in most cases. Some plans may respond to digital correspondence, but there are still many that won’t. But the question is, where do you address the mail you send?

Most experts will recommend that you follow up the plan’s appeal process with letters and give copies to your state’s insurance commission. Also, ensure you have copies of all the letters you send and receive. In this way, you’ll always have records in writing you can defer to in case insurers try to refute any statements they or you had given.