14 Common Signs Of Sciatica You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Loss of Movement

Sciatica can cause loss of movement in the leg because the sciatic nerve controls the muscles in your leg. When the sciatic nerve is inflamed or compressed, it can cause those muscles to weaken or even atrophy. In severe cases, loss of movement in the leg can be permanent. 

For sciatica patients struggling with loss of movement, there are various things to help manage the condition and improve their quality of life. Of course, the first step in managing any condition is understanding it. While it may seem counterintuitive, engaging in physical activity is one of the best things individuals can do to manage sciatica better. Physical activity helps to reduce inflammation and pain while also strengthening the muscles around the affected area. This can help prevent further damage to the sciatic nerve and facilitate healing. 

Carrying excess weight puts additional pressure on the spine and nerves, which can exacerbate or even cause sciatica. For overweight or obese individuals, losing weight can be an effective way to manage sciatica symptoms. This doesn’t mean that patients should lose a lot of weight all at once. Even modest weight loss can make a big difference.