Vitamin Deficiency
Petechiae, or clustered pinpoint round spots that look like rashes, may also appear on the skin or the inner surfaces of the mouth and the eyelids as a result of vitamin or nutritional deficiency. In particular, petechiae can result from deficiency or extremely low levels of vitamin C (scurvy) and vitamin K in the body.
When the body doesn’t get enough vitamin C, scurvy develops, resulting in the manifestation of petechiae. It results from loss of vascular integrity, weakened blood vessel walls, capillary fragility, and impaired collagen synthesis. It also brings symptoms like bleeding, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, poor wound healing, and easy bruising. If left untreated, scurvy can cause cerebral hemorrhage, which can be fatal.
On the other hand, Vitamin K deficiency is a petechiae risk factor that manifests at an early age. It usually causes problems with the clotting factors, resulting in excessive or uncontrolled bleeding that leads to the weakening and eventual collapse of blood vessels. Vitamin K deficiency can be dangerous if left untreated, resulting in hemorrhagic disease, impaired fat absorption, and even liver disorders.