What Causes Necrotizing Fasciitis? 12 Causes To Consider

Minor Cuts

Minor cuts are common due to the activities a person does in everyday life. There are many cases wherein a person may be vulnerable to minor cuts. It may happen while making crafts, preparing food, or cleaning. It may be due to mishandling of a knife, accidents that involve a pair of scissors, shattered plates, etc. 

This type of cut may be considered minor, but there are cases wherein it triggers infections like necrotizing fasciitis. In addition, a little cut that lasts for more than a week continuously bleeds and is three to five inches deep may prompt the bacteria to enter through it. There are also cases where the wound has healed, but it became swollen and painful; this may indicate that an infection happened. 

A minor cut may not be life-threatening, but if left untreated may lead to serious injury and infection. In addition, bacteria grow faster in a moist environment, such as an open wound. This is why it is best to pay attention to every little cut in the body and treat them properly.