9 Itchy Scalp Causes You Should Know (Common Triggers)

Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is characterized by an accumulation of skin cells resulting in scaly, itchy spots on the scalp and other body parts. Psoriasis generally presents as pink or red areas with silvery white scales on lighter skin tones, while it appears as purple or dark brown spots with gray scales on darker skin tones.

Plaque psoriasis on the scalp is particularly challenging since the standard steroid ointment and creams cannot get through the hair. In certain instances, symptoms can even look like dandruff. Psoriasis is more prevalent in places with high friction, such as at the back of the ears for individuals who wear glasses.

The severity of the symptoms might range from minor to severe. Dryness, flakes that mimic dandruff, itching, burning, pain, elevated reddish spots, and scales like silver may all be present with the condition. Other signs are bleeding when the lesions on the scalp are scratched or removed and temporary hair loss.

A dermatologist or other healthcare provider can diagnose the condition and recommend the best course of action. Topical corticosteroids are typically used to treat scalp psoriasis. Sometimes different therapies are combined. Corticosteroids, retinoids, or coal tar shampoo are examples of topical treatments for scalp psoriasis.