Early Signs Of Implantation: 12 Symptoms

Tender Breasts

Breast pain comes in a variety of forms, just like breasts themselves. It may affect one breast or both. The sensation may be felt all over, at a particular location, or spreading outward into the armpits. The soreness may be ongoing or intermittent.

Breast discomfort typically begins in the first few weeks of pregnancy and is dull and achy. The breasts could feel swollen and heavy. Exercise and sex play can be uncomfortable due to their extreme sensitivity to touch. (Pro tip: Wear a dependable sports bra.)

During these early weeks, the nipples of many women are especially sensitive. They might be so delicate to the touch that it hurts to dry off after a shower or put on a bra. However, acute nipple sensitivity usually goes away after a few weeks.

Women may experience fullness and heaviness rather than discomfort as the first trimester progresses. During the first trimester, some women also feel tingling in their areolas and nipples.

It is uncommon for women to have sharp breast discomfort during pregnancy, which might feel like a knife is being plunged into the breast. Although it is possible, pregnancy causes less joint pain.