13 Best Home Remedies To Treat Vertigo Naturally

Vertigo is a common symptom caused by balance disorders and can be caused by many factors, including infections and injury to the brain. According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of vertigo include feeling like you or your surroundings are spinning when you are not or feeling like the room is spinning even when you are sitting still. Many home remedies for vertigo may help alleviate this uncomfortable sensation.

While doctors often prescribe medication for acute attacks of vertigo or vestibular disorders (which is essentially what vertigo is), most patients with chronic cases are advised to try natural remedies before resorting to medication.

The first step in dealing with vertigo is recognizing what it is and how it occurs. Vertigo refers to two disorders: peripheral vertigo, which affects your ears, and central vertigo, which affects your brain. Peripheral vertigo is caused when your inner ear sends incorrect signals to your brain that make it think that you’re moving when you’re not. This disorder may be caused by a head injury or a viral infection, and it will often go away on its own within two weeks. Central vertigo occurs when your brain misinterprets the signals from your inner ear; a stroke, brain tumor, or aneurysm may cause this type of vertigo.

Home remedies for vertigo are a great way to treat the condition. They also save yourself the cost of expensive medical bills. If you’ve been feeling dizzy lately, and you think it might be due to vertigo, here’s what you can do.

Epley Maneuver

Scientists have been studying the Epley maneuver for years, but it only recently became a mainstream treatment for vertigo. The Epley maneuver can help with vertigo for several reasons, including that it helps reset the endolymph’s position, which is an ear fluid that moves and flows as you physically move your head. 

By moving your head in a way that helps to reset the flow of this fluid, you’ll be able to address the dizziness associated with vertigo. Additionally, moving your head this way helps stimulate the nerve fibers in the inner ear’s semicircular canals, which will also help alleviate dizziness. The best way to perform this maneuver is by lying on your back while raising one of your legs. Then, with your shoulders and head flat on the floor and your eyes closed, move your head slowly from side to side. 

While doing this, keep both eyes closed and try not to move any part of your body except your head, neck, and leg. After repeating this movement 20 times, open both eyes, raise yourself onto one elbow and slowly sit up without using your hands for support.