13 Home Remedies For Swollen Gums: How To Get Rid Of It

The jawbone is protected by tough, pink tissue called the gums. This tissue is densely packed with blood vessels, which are fibrous and thick. The gums may protrude or pop out if they swell. Gum swelling normally starts where the gum touches the teeth. However, the gums might swell to the point where they partially obscure the teeth.

Swollen gums may signal an underlying problem, such as gum disease or infection. Gum swelling may be efficiently treated at home, and proper oral hygiene can help prevent the problem. The health of the gums is crucial to one’s dental hygiene.

Gingivitis, coupled with other conditions such as nutrient deficiencies, hormone changes, or infections, is frequently the cause of swollen gums. Gingival swelling, commonly known as swollen gums, is frequently irritating, sensitive, and painful.

Although proper oral hygiene will guard against many health concerns, problems may still arise. For oral symptoms like gum swelling, several home treatments might help. Try one of the following home remedies below to ease the swollen gums.


Turmeric supplements for medical purposes are now readily accessible. Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful plant compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce gum swelling. People can use turmeric mouthwash to rinse their mouths and help lessen overall inflammation and discomfort in addition to treating gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Turmeric has the potency to prevent plaque and helps ease inflammation. However, inflammation can be brought on by a variety of dental conditions. Gingivitis and periodontal disease are the two most prevalent factors of these. A gum condition called gingivitis causes inflammation and redness of the gums. On the other hand, a periodontal disease, commonly known as periodontitis, is an infection and inflammation of the mouth’s soft tissues. Turmeric can also lessen the gums’ swelling, discomfort, and inflammation.

Combine 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric with a small amount of water. Apply to the affected gums and let sit for five minutes. Then, massage the gums while rubbing them in gently. After that, thoroughly rinse the turmeric residue with warm water. Repeat the procedure every day for 1 to 2 weeks or until the discomfort subsides.