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Alcohol Abuse

In moderation, drinking alcoholic beverages is relatively safe. Some may even claim that it may have health benefits. However, abusing any alcoholic substance can have a considerable impact and take a toll on the body. For starters, it can interfere with the brain’s communication pathways, affecting how it works and looks. And these disruptions may change behavior and mood, presenting difficulties in moving with coordination or thinking clearly. There’s also a robust scientific consensus about its link to causing various cancers.

Over time, heavy drinking can also damage the gastrointestinal system, leading to various conditions, such as gastritis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, fibrosis, IBS, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, perianal abscesses, and many other GI-related disorders. In addition, binge drinking may cause damage to the heart, causing a host of problems, including arrhythmias or irregularities in heartbeat and cardiomyopathy or drooping or stretching of heart muscles. It also weakens the immune system, increasing vulnerability to diseases and infections.

Thus, you must avoid abusing alcohol and keep its consumption at no more than one or two daily drinks. Staying away from situations that can trigger drinking and joining support groups can make a difference and are also worth considering.