10 Natural Foods High in Vitamin B17 for Controlled Blood Pressure and Avoid Heart Diseases

8. Apples


It has come to light that eating an apple a day really does keep the doctor away – and that is because of its high levels of vitamin B17 (500 mg per 100 grams), powerful antioxidants, dietary fiber and flavonoids. Apple seeds are also high in vitamin B17 and are safe to eat too!

9. Cherry Seeds

Cherry Seeds

Just like apricot seeds, cherry seeds also contain high amounts of vitamin B17 (above 500 mg per 100 grams). They are not dangerous to eat and must be taken in small doses to avoid other serious health conditions. Cherries offer therapeutic benefits to our health; they are powerful antioxidants and contain cancer-preventive compounds.

Take Away

The best and only way for us to get vitamin B17 into our body is from the foods we eat. You must choose natural foods to sustain your health and fulfill your body deficiencies, but if the consumption is causing harmful and allergic reactions like headache or vomiting, stop the intake right away and see your doctor for consultation.